Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Help in Julius Caesar..?

antony and brutus both are good orators. Antony is just more smart, emotional and he knows how to win the heart of people. when brutus adreses the crowd first he has the advantage of influencing them to his advantage he almost convinces the citizens that ceasar meant ill to the romans and he was not as good as they thought he was. he makes the people almost believe something in contrast to what they thought. In contrast to brutus's speech Antony firstly treats the romans as his friends. he reminds them what ceasar had done for them he reminds them that they loved him once upon a time, about the glory he had bought to the romans, how they had rejoiced his victory after every battle, about how he cried when the romans suffered. Antony tells them that they all loved him once upon a time and they loved him with a reason. this is the basic difference between the two of them brutus tries convincing them against their beliefs but antony just reminds and strengthens their beliefs

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