Saturday, August 13, 2011

Women: What do you think of men who?

I have a lot of respect for men who are actively involved with their home, children and family. Conversely, I'd have very little respect for a man who put all his efforts into his career and took no interest in his children. Contributions to the household don't only have to be financial - just because one parent doesn't earn an income, that doesn't mean they do less for the household or that they're lazy. Working in the home and raising children is still a job, in fact it can be a very demanding and rewarding one, even if you don't get paid. If one person IS lazy and doesn't work either in or out of the home, then of course their partner shouldn't be expected to support them. But that's completely different to being a stay at home parent / homemaker. Each couple has to make their own decision on what arrangements work best for them, and if both people are happy with them, then it's not really anyone else's business. If one parent can financially afford to stay at home, whether that's the man or the woman, then surely that's much better for the children than being sent off to daycare?

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